Donate from the United States

Every day, children in Southeast Asia die from preventable diseases and treatable conditions such as malnutrition, pneumonia and diarrhea, simply because they don’t have access to medical care. Please make a tax-deductible contribution today to provide vital medical treatment and build a healthier future.

  • To donate with a check, mail your check payable to “Friends Without A Border” to: 101 Avenue of the Americas, Rm #943, New York, NY 10013

  • To donate via PayPal, click here.

  • To donate with your Donor-Advised Fund, complete the DAF Direct window below:

  • To donate with a credit card, use the secure form below:


Donate from Other Countries

Friends Without A Border partners with organizations around the world to make it possible for our donors to claim tax benefits in their country of residence. Click the link for your country below to make a donation through any of the organizations listed and make sure your contribution has been designated to support our project.

To donate from Canada
To donate from Singapore
To donate from Germany
To donate from the United Kingdom
To donate from Australia and New Zealand
To donate from Japan

Many Other Ways You Can Help

Planned gifts help Friends Without A Border to provide medical care to children when they need it most. Making a bequest to us in your estate is a personal and lasting investment in our work, helping us save thousands of young lives and provide preventative health education to children and hundreds of local healthcare workers across Laos, as we have done for over 25 years in Southeast Asia.

Donating stock or mutual funds to Friends Without A Border is a tax-wise approach toward helping children in need. Making a gift of securities is simple and offers a number of valuable financial benefits. Please consult your tax adviser to evaluate your best options when making a gift.

Start your own fundraiser:
Facebook – You can raise money for Friends Without A Border by setting up a Facebook fundraiser and share it with your friends and family in your feed.

GoFundMe – Select "Charity" option to fundraise for, search for Friends Without A Border, and create a fundraiser to support our work.

For more information, please contact Akiko Arai, Director of Administration at or (212) 691-0909.

Every child deserves a healthy and happy life. Donate today.